Hong Kong: Hong Kong is known for having some of the highest fuel prices due to its limited land area and high population density, resulting in higher transportation costs.
Norway: Norway’s fuel prices are among the highest due to heavy taxation, and the country is known for its efforts to promote electric vehicles.
Iceland: The remote location and reliance on imported fuel contribute to Iceland’s high fuel prices.
Netherlands: The Netherlands imposes significant taxes on fuel, contributing to its high fuel costs.
Denmark: Denmark’s fuel prices are also impacted by high taxes and efforts to promote sustainable transportation.
Sweden: Sweden has some of the highest fuel prices in Europe due to high taxes and environmental policies.
Greece: Greece is another European country with relatively high fuel prices, mainly due to taxation.
Italy: Italy’s fuel prices are influenced by both taxes and higher oil prices.
Finland: Like other Nordic countries, Finland imposes heavy taxes on fuel, leading to higher prices.
Belgium: Belgium is known for its high fuel prices, primarily due to taxation.